Somerset County Library System of New Jersey | Connect, Explore, Share, Discover

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan2023-01-31T08:29:12-05:00

SCLSNJ Strategic Plan

The Somerset County Library Commission voted unanimously to adopt the Library’s latest strategic plan at their January 2023 meeting.

SCLSNJ Strategic Priorities and Core Services

For more in-depth information about the strategic priorities and core services that will guide our work for the next several years, explore the Strategic Plan Report.

By |January 16th, 2023|

New Strategic Plan: Coming Soon

The SCLSNJ Strategic Plan Steering Committee has been hard at work compiling and analyzing all of our community data in preparation for releasing a new plan in early 2023. Once the Library Commission adopts the plan, it will be posted here. In the meantime, here is the data we’ve been using to put together our new strategic priorities:

By |December 19th, 2022|

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you so much to the over 1,000 library users and residents who have responded to our Community Survey!

The information you have provided will be tremendously helpful to us in our planning process.

  • Hearing which services and programs are important to you and which you use the most will allow us to make sure our Core Services still align with community needs.
  • Seeing the themes that emerge your responses about what kind of community you want to live in will give us a framework to set our Strategic Priorities.

The survey is open through October 31, 2022, so there’s still time to add your response.

By |October 26th, 2022|

Community Conversations

One of the most important ways we’ll be gathering information for our strategic planning is through a series of Community Conversations. We’ll be pulling together small groups of people to talk about what their hopes and aspirations are for their communities, and then we’ll look for the ways the Library can help make a difference in creating the kind of place in which our residents want to live.

To conduct our Community Conversations, we’ll be using a proven framework and discussion guide from The Harwood Institute for Public Innovation that they have developed as part of their work with public libraries and other public institutions and nonprofits over the last 25 years. Our conversations will have 10-15 participants each, and will be guided by staff facilitators using the discussion guide.

We’re planning a series of conversations across Somerset County, and we’ll be inviting a wide array of people to participate, from elected officials and other community stakeholders, to current patrons and friends, to non-patrons and members of underserved communities. We want to get a picture of the hopes and dreams for all of the communities we serve so that we can find the best ways for SCLSNJ to help everyone move forward.

If you’re interested in participating in a Community Conversation, please let us know.

Also, knowing that the format of Community Conversations means opportunities to participate will be somewhat limited, your input is still welcome via our community survey.

By |October 16th, 2022|

SCLSNJ Strategic Planning

The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey is working on a new strategic plan!

We’re using the Dynamic Planning Model from the Public Library Association. This process starts from the idea that our services should be based on the community’s needs. We’ll gather demographic and survey data about our communities, but we’ll also conduct a series of community conversations to help us understand people’s concerns and aspirations about the place in which they live. By focusing on community needs, rather than on the Library, we will be able to identify our core services — the materials, services and programs we will continue to provide to our patrons, no matter what — as well as the areas of strategic priority where the Library can help create the kind of community people want to be a part of.

PLA Dynamic PlanningThe model has four phases:

  • Assess (through November 2022) – gather community data, conduct community conversations, perform community needs assessment
  • Strategize (November-December 2022) – analyze data, identify core services and strategic priorities
  • Engage (January-March 2023) – develop goals and actions that meet service needs
  • Impact (January 2023-December 2024) – execute plan actions, establish outcomes and methods for assessment, evaluate success
By |September 19th, 2022|

Strategic Plan Update May-August 2019

Here’s the latest update on activities that support SCLSNJ’s Strategic Plan:

Where’s the final strategic plan document?

The framework we’ve used to build our current strategic plan is unlike traditional planning processes. More traditional processes usually have a final document as their culmination, with lists of goals and objectives to be achieved over a three- to five-year period of time. We are using the Dynamic Planning Model which includes a mechanism for looping back around regularly to decide if we have made progress on our strategic priorities, to see whether or not what we’re doing is actually meeting the needs of the community, and to reexamine those needs as Somerset County changes and grows. This planning model allows us to be flexible as we try different approaches and respond to changing conditions.

Instead of a final document, we will be providing a concise update three times per year on our activities around our Strategic Priorities and Core Services.

  • For our Strategic Priorities, we will detail programs, services and initiatives we have worked on over the preceding several months that specifically support those priorities, and provide information about upcoming plans and actions and the impact we intend for them to have.
  • Our Core Services represent the things we do on an ongoing basis, so recent activities in these areas are just a part of normal SCLSNJ business. In our updates, we will provide some highlights and examples of core service activity from the preceding few months.
By |September 5th, 2019|

Strategic Plan Update

Here’s the latest update on activities that support SCLSNJ’s Strategic Plan:


Where’s the final strategic plan document?

The framework we’ve used to build our current strategic plan is unlike traditional planning processes. More traditional processes usually have a final document as their culmination, with lists of goals and objectives to be achieved over a three- to five-year period of time. We are using the Dynamic Planning Model which includes a mechanism for looping back around regularly to decide if we have made progress on our strategic priorities, to see whether or not what we’re doing is actually meeting the needs of the community, and to reexamine those needs as Somerset County changes and grows. This planning model allows us to be flexible as we try different approaches and respond to changing conditions.

Instead of a final document, we will be providing a concise quarterly update on our activities around our Strategic Priorities and Core Services.

  • For our Strategic Priorities, we will detail programs, services and initiatives we have worked on over the preceding several months that specifically support those priorities, and provide information about upcoming plans and actions and the impact we intend for them to have.
  • Our Core Services represent the things we do on an ongoing basis, so recent activities in these areas are just a part of normal SCLSNJ business. In our updates, we will provide some highlights and examples of core service activity from the preceding few months.
By |May 2nd, 2019|

Strategic Plan Framework

This framework outlines the Strategic Priorities and Core Services that SCLSNJ will be focused on for the next 3-5 years.

How were these items chosen?

Each of the priorities and services is based on the community data we have gathered over the last four months. Based on our analysis, these items:

  • Have value to members of the community
  • Address a community need
  • Have an intended impact

Who decides?

The Strategic Plan Steering Committee, made up of staff from across the library system, have been looking at the data, developing drafts, and gathering feedback. Ultimately, the Somerset County Library Commission approves the framework as our strategic road map for moving forward.

What happens next?

Library staff will define the impact we wish to have in each strategic priority area over the next one to three years, and then develop specific initiatives, actions and assessment methods to help us achieve our desired impact.

How can I keep track of what you’re doing?

We will continue to update this site with additional planning documents and our quarterly progress updates to the Library Commission.

By |August 31st, 2018|

Staff Survey Report

In conjunction with our strategic planning process, a small work team developed and deployed an anonymous Staff Survey in late June 2018. This survey was made up of 16 open-ended questions, many of which provided opportunities for staff members to comment on SCLSNJ as a workplace and as an employer. The Staff Survey Abridged Data Report focuses on the four questions that specifically addressed staff opinions about library services and community needs, as this data had the most value in creating our Strategic Plan Framework. (The work team continues to analyze the rest of the data for internal use.)

By |August 31st, 2018|

We use the Dynamic Planning Model, developed by the Public Library Association. It has four phases:

  • Assess (through November 2022) – gather community data, conduct community conversations, perform community needs assessment
  • Strategize (November-December 2022) – analyze data, identify core services and strategic priorities
  • Engage (January-March 2023) – develop goals and actions that meet service needs
  • Impact (January 2023-December 2024) – execute plan actions, establish outcomes and methods for assessment, evaluate success


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