Drop-In Tech Help

Computers & Technology

Connect with one of our library staff members to get answers to your questions about technology.

Thursday, Mar 27 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Watchung branch

Do you need help with any of these?

Using an iPad, Kindle, Android device or smartphone
Navigating the Library’s online resources
Using eBooks and eAudiobooks
Connecting to email
Using Google Docs
Bring your device to the meeting room for help during our drop-in hours. Please bring in your own devices with cords and passwords. 

Keep in mind, we cannot fix computer hardware problems or download software for you, but we CAN show you how to download eBooks, use your iPhone or tablet, create Google Docs, and similar tasks.

Watchung branch

20 Stirling Rd.
Watchung, NJ 07069

Sun: Closed

Mon - Sat: 10am-6pm

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