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SCLSNJ’s Watchung Branch to Temporarily Close for Renovation on April 30

About Blog Post Apr 23, 2024 by SCLSNJ
The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey’s (SCLSNJ) Watchung branch will be temporarily closing for renovations on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. “We’ll soon be closing the doors on a branch that’s served its community for decades,” said Brian Auger, library director. “Next year, new doors will reopen both physically and metaphorically to a library sure to be the ‘wow’ of Watchung. There’s much for us to do between now and then, but I promise it will be well worth the wait.” Beginning May 1, 2024, all Watchung branch holds will be available for pickup at the Warren Twp. branch, located at 42 Mountain Boulevard in Warren, until Watchung’s temporary location opens in early June. Customers may change holds pickup location at any time by accessing SCLSNJ’s online catalog at If you require personalized assistance to complete a holds pickup location change, email “It's always hard to close a library, even when we know what the Watchung branch will be like after the renovation,” said Lynn Hoffman, deputy director. “We are so fortunate that the Borough of Watchung has successfully worked with a community partner to find us a space for temporary library service. We will still be able to connect with our customers in Watchung while we wait for the new library to take shape.” “Thanks to the work of Mayor Jubin, the Watchung Council, Township Administrator Jim Damato, and especially the generosity of Frank Bisignano, SCLSNJ will open a temporary library in Watchung,” said Manny Miracle, branch manager. “The Library will provide access to amenities, including: a boutique collection of new books, magazines and movies available for onsite borrowing, as well as access to critical services such as holds pickup, computer access, printing, and photocopier services.”  Continued Miracle, “Additionally, the Library will host smaller programs at the temporary location and thanks to Wilson Memorial Church, we are thrilled to offer larger library programs such as One Man Sideshow on June 15 at the church’s Fisher Hall. We look forward to seeing you at our temporary location. And, yes, the library fish are coming with us, too!” The temporary branch located at 20 Stirling Road in Watchung will be open with limited hours of operation beginning Wednesday, June 5, 2024. The temporary branch hours will be as follows:
  • Mondays: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • Tuesdays through Thursdays: 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.
  • Saturdays: 10 – 2 p.m.
For additional assistance or questions, email To discover all SCLSNJ has to offer, visit or connect with SCLSNJ on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), or YouTube.
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