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Bridgewater Branch Welcomes Lynn Mazur

About Blog Post Aug 23, 2023 by SCLSNJ
Share your journey to branch manager: My journey into libraries started during my undergraduate studies at Rutgers University. I was a journalism major in the School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies. During my junior year, graduate students from the school did a presentation on the Library and Information Science master’s program. I thought, “That is the coolest job ever.” I didn’t pursue my master’s degree right away, though. I ended up in book publishing for a couple of years. I learned a lot from that experience. Books are where my heart is, but I didn’t want to be on the business side of things. I eventually went back to school and earned my degree, while interning at my local Library. I learned I really enjoyed working with the teen population. When I graduated, I threw my resume out into the world and I ended up getting the young adult librarian position at the Bridgewater branch. I really, really enjoyed that experience. Young adult books are my favorite, even today! When an opportunity to become a supervisor in the Bridgewater branch came up a few years later, I pursued that. With each step forward, I always ask myself, "What good can I do by taking this next step?" It’s not just about me and what I want, but also about what good I can bring to the table and how I can help team members accomplish their goals. My next step forward was youth services department supervisor for our Warren Township and Watchung branches. My most recent step forward was branch manager for the Warren Township branch.  Why Bridgewater? I started my journey at SCLSNJ on September 15, 2010. I’ve been here 13 years! I’m really excited about being a branch manager in Bridgewater because this is where I started my career. I grew up in a large community, and Bridgewater is very similar. Large communities have a vast array of needs and figuring out how to meet those needs is a really exciting challenge. I’m also really excited to work on building projects for the branch. The Bridgewater branch staff are always looking for ways to improve the building and enhance the user experience. I’m really excited to work with the staff to bring those projects to fruition. What is your favorite Library resource that you feel should no longer remain a secret? I think our staff members are the hidden gems of the Library. Sometimes our customers think they are bothering us by approaching us at the service desks. When we’re sitting in front of our computers at the desks we’re checking email or working on projects, waiting for a question so we can jump into action and share our expertise. Our customers are our number one priority, and we love helping them find the materials or information they are looking for. I also have to give a shoutout to my other favorite resource, Libby. Because I am a multitasker, and I have a pretty long commute to and from work, I am a huge fan of our e-audiobook collection. I always have a book queued up. While I’m stuck in traffic, I Iisten. While I’m cleaning my house, I listen. While I’m out for a run, I listen. Listening to e-audiobooks helps me stay focused, and SCLSNJ has an amazing collection to choose from. Recommendations from Lynn Mazur: The Bridgewater branch is located at 1 Vogt Drive in Bridgewater. For more information, call (908) 458-8415 or email To discover all SCLSNJ has to offer, visit or connect with SCLSNJ on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), or YouTube.
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