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SCLSNJ Opens Eleventh Library Location: Montgomery Branch Grand Opening - June 16, 2022

About Blog Post Jun 2, 2022 by SCLSNJ
The Somerset County Library System of New Jersey (SCLSNJ) will be opening their eleventh branch library on Thursday, June 16, 2022. The new Montgomery branch is located at 100 Headquarters Park Drive in Skillman. “We are eagerly awaiting the opening of Montgomery Township’s new municipal center that will include offices for our municipal staff, police department, and a new Somerset County Library branch,” said Devra Keenan, Montgomery Township mayor. “The opening of this new state-of-the-art facility, for which we received $5.375 million in state library funds, is cause for celebration.”  Continued Keenan, “The new municipal center has been designed to serve as a community gathering place, something that our community has long sought, and which has proven even more essential after two years of a pandemic that kept members of our community in relative isolation.” Grand opening events will begin at 3 p.m. on June 16. The days’ events will include a ribbon cutting and opening remarks, Library branch tours, a photo booth, a live musical performance by the Magnolia Street String Band, and magic tricks performed by Conrad Cologne. “The new Montgomery Municipal Center and Library are state of the art facilities offering residents enhanced services and amenities that this community truly deserves,” said Donato Nieman, Montgomery Township administrator. “I am sure that the Municipal Center and Library will become the ‘Center’ of Montgomery.” Celebratory events will continue throughout the month of June, including: face and hand painting on June 17, a violin performance on June 20, caricature drawing on June 21, a special Llama Llama storytime on June 24, and much more.  “We can't wait to finally open the doors of this beautiful new Library where we'll be showcasing new services and fresh takes on familiar ones,” said Brian Auger, county library administrator. “You won't believe our amazing Sort-O-Matic!” For questions, call (908) 458-8430 or email To discover all SCLSNJ has to offer, visit or connect with SCLSNJ on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.