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Bottling the Beach With Your Library

About Blog Post Jul 19, 2022 by SCLSNJ
On July 7, 2022, the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey's (SCLSNJ) North Plainfield branch hosted a discover and create, beach-in-a-jar craft program. Participants learned how beaches are formed and then decorated jars with beach scenes using stickers, sand, and seashells. The branch, located at 6 Rockview Avenue in North Plainfield, will be hosting another discover and create craft program on August 4 at 3:15 p.m. This event will allow participants the opportunity to make a beaded fish keychain. Learn more about this event or register: To contact the branch, call (908) 458-8435 or email To explore and discover beach-themed books, email SCLSNJ's expert staff at
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