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Self-Taught Artist Displays Works at the Mary Jacobs Branch

About Blog Post Apr 19, 2022 by SCLSNJ
The art of Zhi Cheng, 75, of Skillman, is being exhibited at the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey's (SCLSNJ) Mary Jacobs branch through the middle of May 2022. Cheng began her journey of learning Chinese traditional painting in 2020 by taking online classes, watching YouTube videos, and by practicing many hours. Cheng's artwork features portrait drawings, flowers, animals, and landscapes. The Mary Jacobs branch is located at 64 Washington Street in Rocky Hill. For questions, email In the photograph: Librarian Manuela Miracle stands alongside artist Zhi Cheng's exhibited work, holding arts-based Library materials, including: "Creative Gouache: A Step-By-Step Guide to Exploring Opaque Watercolor" by Ruth Wilshaw, "Paint Yourself Calm: Colourful, Creative Mindfulness Through Watercolour" by Jean Haines, "Floral Watercolour" by Christin Stapff, and many more.
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