Executive Leadership Team

Lynn Hoffman

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More About Lynn

Lynn Hoffman, MLS, is the Deputy Director for the Somerset County Library System of New Jersey. With more than two decades of public library experience in a variety of roles, Hoffman understands the interdependence between the library service experienced by our customers, and the systems and infrastructure that staff members need in order to provide that service. That understanding, combined with her expertise in organizational development, project management, and strategic planning, makes Hoffman well-suited to keeping SCLSNJ running smoothly. Hoffman has a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Iowa, and has worked in several large, nationally-recognized public library systems. She reads a wide variety of books, with interests ranging from neuroscience to knitting to leadership development to fiction featuring libraries – real or imagined.

What Lynn likes about the library

The library is literally for everybody. For real: everybody.

Surprise me

Goats have narrow pupils that are built for scanning for predators, and they are self-leveling: as they tilt their heads up and down, their pupils stay parallel with the horizon.