Message From our Library Director
Your Somerset County Library System of New Jersey offers resources and services to make the world work better for you no matter “where you are in life.” It doesn’t matter if you are a new parent, an entrepreneur starting a business, a professional looking to improve your skills, a hobbyist, gardener, or gourmand; it doesn’t matter if you are in one of our nine full-service branches, away at school, in your office, down the Shore, or even homebound. We have what you are looking for and, better yet, we have what you didn’t know we have! And lots of that can be delivered right to you. Here are some examples:
- Want to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art? We have museum passes.
- Want to hone your Excel skills? We have high-quality online courses.
- Want to read an ebook or listen to an e-audio? We have one of New Jersey’s biggest collections..
- Still prefer listening to albums? We have one of the best music CD collections anywhere.
- Looking for a movie not on your streaming service? We have a better selection of movies than any video store ever had.
- Want a quiet place to study or concentrate? Check (select one of eight quiet study rooms at Montgomery or a quiet corner in any branch).
- Want to read newspapers and magazines from across the country and around the world? You’ll never run out with Flipster and PressReader.
- Want your child to become a reader? We don’t just read stories to kids, we are specialists in age-appropriate reading readiness.
- Want to read but can’t get out of the house? We have a service for qualified homebound residents.
- Want to learn a language? Which one? We have more than 70 on tap.
- Need a WiFi hotspot for a trip? Score!
- Is your laptop unavailable? Use ours.
You are likely already a library user if you are reading this. And yet you may still be surprised by all the Library has in store for you. Stop in or call — we’d love to show you all we have to offer. And, yes, we do still have books. Thousands of them. And if we don’t have the one you’re looking for, we’ll do the legwork to get it for you.
And don’t ever worry about overdue fines! You can’t “overdue” it at SCLSNJ!
I always welcome your comments and suggestions for how we can improve our services. Please feel free to write to me at director@sclibnj.org or call me at (908) 458-8401.
Brian K. Auger