Here’s the latest update on activities that support SCLSNJ’s Strategic Plan:

Where’s the final strategic plan document?

The framework we’ve used to build our current strategic plan is unlike traditional planning processes. More traditional processes usually have a final document as their culmination, with lists of goals and objectives to be achieved over a three- to five-year period of time. We are using the Dynamic Planning Model which includes a mechanism for looping back around regularly to decide if we have made progress on our strategic priorities, to see whether or not what we’re doing is actually meeting the needs of the community, and to reexamine those needs as Somerset County changes and grows. This planning model allows us to be flexible as we try different approaches and respond to changing conditions.

Instead of a final document, we will be providing a concise update three times per year on our activities around our Strategic Priorities and Core Services.

  • For our Strategic Priorities, we will detail programs, services and initiatives we have worked on over the preceding several months that specifically support those priorities, and provide information about upcoming plans and actions and the impact we intend for them to have.
  • Our Core Services represent the things we do on an ongoing basis, so recent activities in these areas are just a part of normal SCLSNJ business. In our updates, we will provide some highlights and examples of core service activity from the preceding few months.