If you don’t find an item you’re looking for in our catalog, let us know and we will try to get it for you.
Here’s How it Works
- First we’ll make sure we don’t already have the item. You can help us out by checking the online catalog before you make your suggestion. You can place a hold instead of using this form if we already have the item. You can also ask a librarian and we’ll be happy to help you.
- Next we will see if your suggestion fits into our Materials Selection Policy. If it does, we will usually try to purchase the item.
- If an item is no longer available to purchase, or if it goes beyond what we would typically buy for the collection, we will ask another library outside of SCLSNJ to loan the item to us so that we can loan it to you. We cooperatively share and borrow materials via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) with libraries across the country.
- Depending on the availability of the item, whether we purchase it or borrow it, the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. Your suggestion will appear in your library account when it has been successfully processed, and we will notify you when the item is available to pick up.
- If we are unable to get the item you have suggested, we will send you an email to let you know.
The Fine Print
- Only suggestions from SCLSNJ cardholders will be accepted.
- Due to the volume of requests we receive, we ask that you please allow up to a week for your request to be processed.
- SCLSNJ cannot guarantee that any suggestion will be available within a specified time frame.
- Availability of items via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) are at the discretion of the loaning institution and are subject to that library’s policies.
- Each patron will be limited to 5 requests per calendar month.
- A request for a new item that does not yet have a firm release date, or with a release date far enough in the future that it cannot be pre-ordered (six months or longer), will not be processed. You are welcome to make your suggestion again once the item is available for ordering.
- Any film that grosses more than $5 million at the box office will automatically be purchased a month prior to its release, but due to the varying nature of release dates this may be subject to change. Please do not request films or TV shows that have not yet aired or are still airing.
- This year, we plan to follow the lead of many other libraries and utilize the great system created by Libby for suggesting e-books and e-audiobooks purchases: Notify Me tags.
Demand, longevity, and price are key factors in selection. We cannot purchase every tagged item but we check weekly for high-tagged items for possible inclusion into our collection. Notify Me tags will be the only way to suggest e-books and e-audiobooks for purchase moving forward.
We have never been able to place holds on e-book or e-audio items when they have been purchased. With Notify Me tags, if we purchase an item that was tagged, the patron will get a notification (which is why they are called Notify Me tags!)
Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use Notify Me tags and do Deep Searching in Libby.