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Color full-page and article reproductions of 7000+ U.S. and international newspapers and magazines.

Explore Consumer Reports

Articles from the current issue of the Consumer Reports Magazine as well as online exclusive product reviews and articles. Consumer Reports magazine issues also appear in Flipster.

New York Times

Online edition of the New York Times. Includes today’s issue and previously published articles.

**For access outside the library, users must log in using their SCLSNJ library card, and create a NY account to access a group pass.
Wall Street Journal

The latest coverage of business, politics, entertainment, sports and more through the WSJ Digital Package.

**This resource is available in the Library on a Library computer or using the Library WiFi network, and through remote access with the creation of an account. See  instructions for remote access. (This link opens PDF file.)
Historical New York Times

Historical issues and articles of The New York Times, from 1851-2013.

Academic Search Premier
Magazine and journal articles covering a variety of subjects.
America’s News Magazines
Includes newspapers, magazines, newswires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, periodicals, videos and web-only content including Newsweek, Popular Science, Field and Stream, Mother Earth News, Science Illustrated, Smithsonian and more.
Black Life in America
Explore comprehensive news coverage of the African American experience, from 1704 to today.
Business Source Premier
Magazine and journal articles covering all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Magazine and journal articles focusing on the medical sciences, food sciences and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, and general health.
Hispanic Life in America
The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today. La Vida Hispana en América: La experiencia e impacto de los Hispano Américanos como ha sido escrita por los medios de comunicación del 1704 al presente.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Articles focusing on librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more.
MAS Ultra: School Edition
Articles from popular magazines aimed at high school students. Includes other sources useful for research.
MasterFILE Premier
General interest articles spanning many subject areas.
Middle Search Plus
Articles from popular magazines aimed at middle and junior high school students. Includes other sources useful for research.
National Geographic Virtual Library
View issues of National Geographic Magazine from 1888 – present.
NexisUni (formerly Lexis Nexis Library Express)
Stories from national and regional newspapers, wire services, broadcast transcripts, and foreign and international news sources. Includes other sources useful for business and legal research.
Points of View Reference Center
Articles collected here represent multiple viewpoints and cover a wide range of current events and controversial topics.
Primary Search
Articles from popular magazines aimed at elementary school students. Includes other sources useful for research.
Regional Business News
Covers business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
Science Reference Center
Articles from the areas of biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, life science, physics, science & society,technology, and wildlife. Includes other sources useful for research.
Star-Ledger Collection
Search the Star Ledger newspaper collection for text printed from 1989-present, images used from 2017-present, and web-only text from 2007-present. Select the second option: Image format for digital image editions.
International and regional newspapers, magazines, and book reviews in the areas of current events, economics, politics, science, and social sciences.