It is time to have the Conversation of Your Life to let family, friends and doctors understand your wishes through advance care planning. The Conversation of Your Life series of programs aims to provide all the pertinent information you may need to communicate your end-of-life care wishes ahead of time, saving your loved ones from having to make emotionally taxing decisions on your behalf when the time comes. Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted.

Starting the Conversation
October 6, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Warren Twp. Library branch, located at 42 Mountain Boulevard in Warren Twp.
Author Tracey Lawrence will talk about the importance of advance care planning, having legal documents in place, and how to get the conversation about end-of-life care wishes started.

What is Advance Care Planning? Why is It Important?
October 13, 2-4 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Hillsborough Library branch, located at 379 South Branch Road in Hillsborough
This panel discussion will feature local experts to discuss the legal, medical, ethical, emotional, practical, and spiritual aspects of important conversations around death and dying. Panelists are: Victor Medina, certified elder law attorney; Beth E. Jameson, PhD, MSN, RN, CSN-NJ – assistant professor, Seton Hall University, College of Nursing; Michael Angrosino, PhD, board-certified chaplain, RWJ University Hospital Hamilton ethics committee member; and Adalin Ball, eldercare educator, Somerset County Office on Aging and Disability Services.

Celebrate Your Life Story: How to Write Your Own Obituary
October 27, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Warren Twp. Library branch, located at 42 Mountain Boulevard in Warren Twp.
Learn to write your own obituary to help celebrate your life with writing coach Vanessa Young.

Book Discussion: “When Breath Becomes Air” by Dr. Paul Kalanithi
SCLSNJ’s North Plainfield Memorial Library branch, located at 6 Rockview Avenue in North Plainfield
November 8, 1-2 p.m.
November 15, 7:15-8:30 p.m.
Dr. Paul Kalanithi chronicles his experiences as a doctor and a patient facing a terminal illness. No registration required.

Prepare to Care: What to Expect as Your Loved Ones Age
November 14, 7-8 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Hillsborough Library branch, located at 379 South Branch Road in Hillsborough
Discover what to expect as parents age, how to prepare for caregiving, and the resources that can help with Trudy Madden, elder care support coach.

Planning to Live: How to Get All your Legal Ducks in a Row
November 17, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Mary Jacobs Memorial Library branch, located at 64 Washington Street in Rocky Hill
Elder law attorney Victor Medina will discuss how to get the legal planning you need for the rest of your life’s journey.

Everything you Wanted to Know about Funerals But Were Afraid to Ask
December 1, 2-3:30 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Bridgewater Library branch, located at 1 Vogt Drive in Bridgewater
Learn about green burials, funerals on a budget, making funeral arrangements online, preplanning, and funding options with Scott Bradley and Ron Mowad.

The Five Wishes
December 8, 2-3:30 p.m.
SCLSNJ’s Manville Library branch, located at 100 South 10th Avenue in Manville
Mary Ann Serra, Director of Parish Nursing for the Diocese of Camden will explore the form, Five Wishes – a living will that addresses personal, emotional, and spiritual needs as well as medical wishes.

The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute runs a program called Conversation of Your Life (COYL) in 14 New Jersey Counties. The goal of COYL is to encourage more individuals in New Jersey to engage in fruitful dialogue – the Conversation of Your Life – to let individuals’ friends, family, or doctors understand and respect their end-of-life wishes through advance care planning.

COYL is generously supported by The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey. To learn more visit: